Shades of Gray

Where every silver lining has a healthy hint of Gray.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Good news!

For those of you who smile politely at the baseball posts, I've decided to add a feature that will make avoiding them all the easier for you! Over on the left, you'll note a new section of the sidebar entitled "Blue Jays Obsession Update," which boils the hours of frustration and elation of being a fan of the least hip team in sports into an easy digest that can be skimmed or perused at your discretion. This won't mean the end of agonized posts about the insanity of the Burnett contract or fretting over every non-flawless Halladay start, but it should make them less frequent.

Now, if I could only boil the months Burnett will spend on the DL into a seconds-long sidebar as well...


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