Shades of Gray

Where every silver lining has a healthy hint of Gray.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Saturday, June 03, 2006


The RCMP has arrested seventeen people in an alleged terror ring. Particularly frightening is the quantity of ammonium nitrate the police seized; three tons of fertilizer, or three times as much as Tim McVeigh used in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Away we go

Stephen Harper, true to his word, is reopening the same-sex marriage debate.

True to his headstrong, divisive, petty word.

I honestly don't understand why he's doing this. I don't believe that this is something that Harper cares deeply about-if he believed that gay marriage were an abomination, for example, I have to think that he'd try stronger medicine than a free vote on reopening the question. There's no realistic chance that Harper's side will win this vote, and he must know this. All this is going to do is hurt gay families and, when the vote ultimately fails, infuriate homophobic groups determined to repeal equal marriage laws. It's a terrible idea, and it speaks poorly of Harper that he's trying this stunt.

I didn't vote for Stephen Harper, and it's almost impossible to imagine circumstances in which I would. But I did think, back in the heady days of January 2006, that a change in government was a good idea, and I hoped that Harper would be a prime minister I could disagree with but respect. It seems increasingly clear that I was dreaming in Technicolor.

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