Shades of Gray

Where every silver lining has a healthy hint of Gray.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We begin again with a callback

Way back when, I added a nifty graphic over there on the left to the sidebar over this recently-moribund blog, in support of breast cancer research. In the post announcing the sweetly pie-in-the-sky challenge accompanying the graphic, I challenged all of you to donate any pink ribbon quarters you get in your change to cancer research, along with an extra quarter to match. Then I forgot all about the challenge for a month and a half, during which I also apparently forgot about this blog.

Well, tonight I got my first pink quarters back, and will consequently be donating at least one whole dollar to the Canadian Cancer Society. Instead of doing this in dribs and drabs every time I get a quarter, I think I'm going to add a running tally on the left there and do it all in one shot when I register for the Run for a Cure in October, but the game's officially on.

Stuff on Iran forthcoming.


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