Shades of Gray

Where every silver lining has a healthy hint of Gray.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Shades of Gray Challenge!

And you guys thought the numismatic stuff was just for fun.

It's not my idea, but it's a good one, I think. Over on the left you'll see a little logo featuring the new breast cancer quarter that the Mint's just issued, clicking on which will take you to the Canadian Cancer Society's web site. The idea, as laid out by Dino at the Blogging Party of Canada, is to donate every one of the special quarters you find in your change to cancer research, along with another quarter to match it.

Obviously, this is unlikely to raise the $30 million that's the theoretical maximum, or even one million dollars, but it's a painless donation that can't do any harm and might, if done by enough people, do some good.

Via the Galloping Beaver.


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