Shades of Gray

Where every silver lining has a healthy hint of Gray.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunday, April 09, 2006

North Side su...What?

CFL football has left Ottawa again, at least for the short term.

After the Renegades were launched in 2002, they quickly became the most rickety franchise in a league not generally known for the stability of its teams, so I can't say I'm terribly surprised at the decision of the league to pull the plug. The arrival of the Gliebermans, Bernie and Lonie, at the helm last May was always troubling given their disastrous track record in Ottawa and Shreveport; if Bernie Glieberman thinks that a CFL franchise is a lost cause, it most definitely is.

I hope the league does, in fact, find an investor for the franchise over the coming year, and that there's a team in Ottawa for 2007 onwards. Ideally, such a team would be named the Rough Riders: you can't really have the CFL without two teams in a nine team league bearing the same name. That said, I'm not terribly sure I'd want to put millions of dollars into CFL football in Ottawa if I had the chance, so we'll have to see if anyone else does.


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