Shades of Gray

Where every silver lining has a healthy hint of Gray.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Friday, April 07, 2006

Dog bites man: Bush approved Plame leak

Or says Scooter Libby, who does have compelling reasons to lie.

The thing about the whole Plame/Libby/Novak imbroglio to me was that it illustrated just what thoroughly rotten individuals Bush, Cheney and their crowd are. Not that this was news after two years of the administration's many awful policies, but I think it illustrated just how childishly spiteful they are: they destroyed this woman's career, at the risk of harming American intelligence capabilities, and for what? It didn't materially help the case for war. It garnered them no political points. They seem to have done it just because they could.

What's truly terrifying is that these guys are still running the show, and will be for the next three years. It's like sweating out a narrow lead in a soccer game, times a zillion.


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